Argentine Tango is not the tango you see in Ballroom Championship dancing on TV, nor is it what you might have learned in a Ballroom tango class. Rather, it's the social partner dance that is practiced in clubs in Buenos Aires and all over the world, with an emphasis on the relationship between you, your partner, and the music. It is more sensuous and more intimate than other derivative forms of tango. The movie The Tango Lesson has good examples of both club style and stage Tango. Many ballroom dancers (ourselves among them), once introduced to Argentine Tango, have forsaken the study of other dances to focus solely on this exhilarating, romantic, and intensely passionate dance: the Tango.
Tango Mendocino periodically offers a new beginning class series on Thursdays, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, at the Caspar Community Center, followed by practice time until 9:00 pm. The class is geared for those with no previous experience or those with experience who want to keep improving.
If you are interested in beginning tango classes, please inquire by contacting Larry Sawyer via email at bysawyer@mcn.org or by phoning 707.937.0078.
No prior experience necessary, you only need to be able to walk relatively pain free with decent balance. No partner necessary, but we will try to keep the ratio of leaders to followers balanced. Dress is casual, just wear shoes that slide on the floor rather than grab it.
What we teach is social tango, not the acrobatic exhibition tango you may have seen on the stage or screen. We will have weekly dances so you'll have a place to dance as you learn.
- Tango Sonoma
For those who may be down in Sonoma County on a Tuesday, here is another opportunity to dance tango:

Send proof of vaccination to tangosonoma@gmail.com
Snacks are encouraged, but alcohol is strictly prohibited.
Directions to Snoopy's
- Practica Besos
A once-a-month Sunday practica (4th Sunday of each month) in Rohnert Park, Sonoma County, from 2 to 5:30 pm. For the exact date, check tangomango.org.

Footloose Dance Studio, 6425 Redwood Drive, Rohnert Park, CA. Practica $10, cash only. Proof of vaccination is required; masks are optional but recommended.
For more information, visit tangomango.org or call Lizbeth at 707.477.5518
For more information on tango events in the San Francisco bay area and other major US cities, visit the excellent and comprehensive Tango Mango website at tangomango.org.
By Irene D. Thomas and Larry M. Sawyer
Two of Tango Mendocino's own milongueros have written a fascinating book about the attraction of tango and what it's like to learn this complex and engaging dance.
A unique feature of this book is that it includes both a man's and a woman's point of view. Irene's essays give newcomers an idea of what they will encounter, both physically and emotionally, in the process of learning this dance; advanced dancers will recognize themselves and the experiences she describes. Larry's short stories offer vignettes of the tango experience from a variety of perspectives and add an extra dimension that enhances the reader's understanding of the alluring world of tango.
Part essay, part memoir, part history, part fiction, The Temptation To Tango appeals to experienced dancers, beginners just starting their tango journey, those who aren't yet sure if tango is for them, and those who are simply curious about why this dance is so compelling to so many.
Order your copy on Amazon.com
Some may say that Leading is the more challenging role in tango, because from a kaleidoscope of options, continuous split-second decisions require pleasing a partner, interpreting the music, maintaining safety & direction, and uniquely expressing oneself.
Some may say that Following is the more challenging role in tango, because it requires near-psychic sensitivity which must be slightly subdued, while making continuous accurate split-second responses to match a partner, enhance the music, maintain balance, and uniquely express oneself.
With thanks to Polly McBride of Portland, OR -- from her (now defunct) All Things Argentine Tango website.
Here is an informative explanation of the etiquette of the Tango. This is especially good information for new dancers who haven't yet had much experience at milongas or Tango dance workshops, with lots of good general tips plus specific advice for leaders and for followers. More experienced milongueros probably know much of this already, but it's still a good review.
Here are maps and driving directions to tango venues on the Mendocino coast: